Luke Tarzian

2019 Goals & Desires

2018 can be summed up with two words: fucking chaotic. There were only a handful of things that transpired over the year that I can say were definitively positive: I got married, I honeymooned in Europe, I saw Harry Potter & the Cursed Child on Broadway, I went to Switzerland, I went on the Writing Excuses Cruise, and I made a whole bunch of friends in the writing community. Besides that…? This year was a wash. A messy, painful wash filled with far too much death and misery.  That said…

2019 feels like it’s going to be a much better year all around and I’ve decided to tap into that positivity to keep myself from going insane as December crawls towards its end. These last several months have help me put things into perspective, specifically where my mental health and career path are concerned. So, I present to you my list of goals and desires for 2019:

There you have it, friendos. Happy New Year’s Eve Day. See you…wait for it…


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