Luke Tarzian

Year-End Retrospective, 2019

2019 has been an interesting year. It consisted of far more highs than it did lows; for that, I am thankful. I am thankful for a great many things and people this year, so let’s get into it, hmm?

Accomplishments, or A List of Creative Firsts

  1. Self-published my first novel, VULTURES
  2. Had my first book signing
  3. Garnered a fair amount of positive reviews from big blogs and authors
  4. Competed in the SPFBO (Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off)
  5. Received a Reddit Stabby Nomination for best debut
  6. Launched a fledgling book design business

Milestones, or A List of Personal Firsts & Joys

  1. Had my first wedding anniversary
  2. Found out we were having a baby
  3. Found out we were actually having TWO babies

Friends & Family, or a List of People Who Put Up With My S**T

  1. My wife Jenny and our almost-here baby girls
  2. My dad, my sister, and my mom (RIP, we miss you)
  3. My in-laws
  4. My doggo
  5. My dudes Nelson, Josh, Mike, Eric, and Harry
  6. My Twitter/Discord family, in no particular order: Clayton Snyder, Krystle Matar, Angela Boord, Bjorn Larson, Queen Timy the Terrible, Dave Wooliscroft, Nick Borrelli, and Travis Peck.

On the Horizon, or What I’m Currently Writing

  1. PARABLE, a short novel set in the VULTURES universe. Could be a standalone, though it has the potential to spearhead a short prequel trilogy.
  2. SILENCE, the highly-anticipated sequel to VULTURES.

2020 Releases

  1. PARABLE–Summer 2020
  2. DARK ENDS Anthology–February 2020

Parting Words

2019 was a definitely a year. I learned a lot personally and professionally, the latter of which I’d like to impart. Spend less time worrying about writing to market and simply write what you want to write. You’ll be a lot happier for it. Don’t worry about making lists and don’t go searching for reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Those are for readers, not authors. Constantly refreshing those pages will only drive you nuts. Above all else, be kind, courteous, and welcoming to those in the community, whichever you find yourself in. Don’t be so quick to attack people for what you perceive to be a slight–we all make mistakes.

Thank you for a great year, everyone. Happy Holidays; see you in 2020!

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