Luke Tarzian

Why I Write

The short reason: I write because I like telling stories.

The long(ish) reason: Buckle up, friends–I’ve got some things to say.

The Long(ish) Reason

I’ve seen a number of people on social media lately spouting the “SFF should just be about stories. People shouldn’t bring their personal beliefs or experiences into their work” bullshit. That’s fine if you think that; you’re entitled to your own opinion.

But. There are a lot of reasons why a shitload of us SFF authors choose to bring personal experiences into our writing, and missing the point seems a bit ignorant, especially when you’re writing in genres so broad and diverse. I write because I love to tell stories, yes, but I also write because it helps me cope with certain aspects of reality such as depression, grief, loss, politics, and social issues. Invoking personal experiences and life to create  characters and setting in my stories is a form of catharsis and expression.

Examples include:

I realize this is a bit long-winded, but my point remains. I write because I love to tell stories, but I also write to express myself, to find catharsis and release from personal pain. Creating characters and worlds help me cope with reality and connect with other people around the world. I write to try and put myself in other peoples’ shoes as respectfully as possible if only to empathize with what they are going through.

I write because I have things to say.

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